American Abortion Opponents March in Washington, DC
Tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists are set to take part in Monday's annual "March on Washington" to mark the 34th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
Similar marches and rallies are also taking place in cities and towns across the United States. In Washington, D.C., abortion opponents will march past the U.S. Capitol and end outside the Supreme Court.
President Bush is scheduled to address the demonstrators by telephone. Senator Sam Brownback, a conservative Republican who announced Saturday he is running for president in 2008, is participating in the March for Life events.
Activists who support abortion rights will also be holding smaller rallies in Washington and other cities. The "Roe versus Wade" Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion was handed down on January 22nd, 1973.
支持堕胎权的人士也将在华盛顿和其它城市举行较小规模的集会。 1972年前的1月22日,美国联邦最高法院对《罗诉韦德案》作出裁决,导致堕胎在美国合法化。